
The distinguishing feature of leading organisations is their culture - the norms and expectations that encourage performance-orientated behaviour rather than security and mediocrity.
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Human Synergistics International has been leading the field in culture research for 30 years. Their research demonstrates the links between culture and performance, and our experience shows us that culture can change.

Our business is committed to helping organisations measure and transform their cultures from predominantly Aggressive/Defensive or Passive/Defensive to Constructive norms, and improve their performance in the process.

Like our approach to individual development, organisational development has always been about the measurement and identification of the organisational factors that encourage or inhibit performance then applying robust systems thinking processes to the results.,

Our organisational programmes are designed to:
  • Measure organisational culture, climate, and effectiveness
  • Identify the levers for change
  • Pinpoint barriers to adaptation, member engagement, and organisational effectiveness
  • Develop strategies for building high-performance cultures
  • Monitor change and improvement over time
Our standard and our continuing goal is to offer products that meet rigorous academic and psychometric standards, applying robust thinking processes while being practical and relevant to the real world.

Experienced Culture Coach and Consultant.

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Karl Perry

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